Most Anticipated YA Sci-Fi Novels of 2018


I think this is my last 2018 anticipated list. Sci-fi is my favorite YA genre, which is why I felt it deserved a list on it’s own because there are some AMAZING sci-fi books out there and I want to share all the love with y’all!

As always, I only included ones with titles and also ones with covers this time too. So mostly a little more than the first half of 2018 (up to August, I believe).

Without further ado, here are some of my most anticipated YA science fiction novels of 2018!

Restore Me by Tahereh Mafi

34992929I picked up the sampler from Barnes and Noble (~30 pages) and it just heightened my anticipation for this novel! I can’t wait for Restore Me to come out because I miss Mafi’s dystopian world and I also really enjoy post-takeover stories and hope there will be lots of fantastic political conflict for us to enjoy in this sequel! Although it was unanticipated, I’m still very excited.

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Obsidio by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

24909347Illuminae was such a great story and I just love how unique this series is! I can’t wait to see what’s in store for us in the finale of book 3, and I hope I’ll love the new set of characters just as much as I loved the first two! I also hope the trial will end well and the Illuminae Files will create justice. The style of these stories are just amazing and I love looking at how creative some of the pages are and all the different documents.

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Unearthed by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner

25446297I thought Kaufman and Spooner worked very well together for their romantic sci-fi story These Broken Stars and I can’t wait to see what they have in store for us in Unearthed. Reading about alien temples and necessary technology and scholars and scientific discoveries seems really fun, and I hope a good dose of romance is added in too!

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Heart of Iron by Ashley Poston

35181314I really enjoyed reading the DRC of this novel and can’t wait to get my hands on a finished copy! This is such a fun sci-fi Anastasia retelling, and there are a lot of awesome surprises in this story–good and bad. If you’re looking for a fun motley crew of awesomeness and some good ol’ political struggle, I’d recommend checking this out! You can read my review here.

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Honor Among Thieves by Rachel Caine and Ann Aguirre

30129657This book was so awesome! I just loved the story which sucked me in and still hasn’t spit me out months later. Reading about sentient alien races and mysteries deep in space and badass black MCs is just what I want in a sci-fi story and this was just so perfect! I cannot wait for the next book and to reread this with my book club! You can read my review here.

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Sanctuary by Caryn Lix

32855090Intergalactic corporations? Prison guards? Mysterious aliens and superpowered criminal teenagers? Yes, yes, YES! This seems like such a fun, high-action story with the perfect amount of motherly angst mixed in and I just can’t wait to get my hands on this novel! Sinister threats and changing loyalties all are piquing my interest, and July cannot come quick enough for me to get my hands on this debut!

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Blood of a Thousand Stars by Rhoda Belleza

34448985I read the first book with my book club, and I really enjoyed a lot of the social themes in this series–technological privacy, racial profiling, etc. This world is very complex and a lot is in store for us, the readers, in this next book. I have high hopes for both characters–especially Aly who was my absolute favorite–and can’t wait to see where this series is going to take us! Read my review of Empress of a Thousand Skies here.

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Gunslinger Girl by Lyndsay Ely

35099058I love a good sharpshooter (see: 5 stars on Rebel of the Sands) and an awesome sharpshooter in a dystopian world after the second civil war sounds fantastic to me! I actually started reading this in the bookstore and can’t wait to continue in this Wild, Wild West (albeit, dystopian West) seeing the adventure the main character Serendipity has already embarked on by page 45. This debut is turning out to be fantastic!

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Your One & Only by Adrianne Finlay

33413958I love a romance as much as the next girl, but a sci-fi romance will push me over to really want to read. First off–clones! A world of clones seems super fun and cool and I very much want to see what’s going to happen with all those clones. And a romance between the last human on Earth and a clone seems like such a fun, out there concept. (Also the cover is really pretty.)

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The Towering Sky by Katharine McGee

36039298This glammed up series is such a guilty pleasure for me! I enjoyed The Thousandth Floor and enjoyed These Dazzling Heights even more, and I’m just on the edge of my seat waiting for the finale (and Edelweiss requests) to come out! A bunch of teenagers and murder in a high-society tower is just so fun, and the developments that have been happening throughout the books are shocking and twisty and everything I love in an entertaining, guilty read. Read my reviews of The Thousandth Floor and These Dazzling Heights here and here!

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Brightly Burning by Alexa Donne

35721194Four words: Jane Eyre in space! Why wouldn’t you want to read this? A girl becoming a governess for a nineteen year old captain who is someone’s to-murder list and discovering a growing conspiracy? Uhhh, please sign my name up to be on that ship because drama’s about to go down and I want to be there for it. This seems like such a fun retelling and I honestly can’t wait to read it!

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Genesis by Brendan Reichs

35425574The sequel to Nemesis, Genesis picks off where the first book left us all with our jaws hanging open. Remember that cliffhanger? *laughs on the verge of insanity* Well, I need more and I need answers and I need things to happen because everything can’t go to hell without me witnessing it happening. And those character arcs! I’m so excited to see Noah back and better than before, because this was such a fantastically written conspiracy story.  Read my review of Nemesis here!

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Nyxia Unleashed by Scott Reintgen

35424762The cliffhanger at the end of Nyxia left me breathless and I need more of this high action story! Emmett and his former competitors are heading for the planet Eden, and dangerous things are in store for them. After that gruesome ending and cliffhanger, I’m scared/excited for seeing what the Babel company didn’t tell the students and how they’ll deal with the natives! You can read my review of Nyxia here.

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much love, vicky

What are your anticipated sci-fi novels? Ones I’m excited for that I haven’t mentioned is the third book to The Diabolic, This Splintered Silence (the next Kayla Olson book), the sequel to Warcross, the sequel to This Mortal Coil, One Giant Leap (the finale to Dare Mighty Things), the sequel to Zero Repeat Forever, and so many more!


10 thoughts on “Most Anticipated YA Sci-Fi Novels of 2018

    1. Yes! It’s rapidly become one of my favorite genres, and I’m so excited for these to come out!


  1. Yes, for all the sci-fi! I seriously think if done right it’s one of the best genres. Obviously, there is no “best genre” but in comparison to say fantasy, I’m beginning to love it more. Much less love triangles and medieval fantasy tropes. This isn’t to say that sci-fi doesn’t have tropes. They can… just for whatever reason it’s much more bearable?? I literally have zero expectations when it comes to an author’s interpretation of space, the future, or dystopia so I don’t feel like I see the exact same stuff. Sorry, I’m just gushing over sci-fi right now.

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    1. Yes! I wholeheartedly agree. I feel like bad scifi novels are harder to find than bad fantasy novels which is a huge factor into why I love the genre so much! It’s almost always an enjoyable experience for me. Maybe it’s because the tropes in sci-fi haven’t been used much yet that makes them more bearable. And don’t worry! I’m pretty sure I have a blog post planned later this month to remind everyone of why Sci-Fi’s the “best genre” lolol


      1. I can’t wait to read it. I’ve been trying to write a blog post about sci-fi and where to begin but I can’t. There’s just too much to talk about that I can’t explain in a nutshell. Classic sci fi, hard sci fi, soft sci fi, space operas, sci fi fantasy… Where do I start??

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  2. I’m SO excited for Unearthed (I also loved These Broken Stars!) and Heart of Iron! I’ve actually never heard of the other books before (I feel so ashamed). Your One & Only sounds super intriguing. I don’t think I’ve ever read a YA with clones yet! :O Thanks for sharing, Vicky! ❤

    New Bloglovin' follower. ^_^

    – Aimee @ Aimee, Always

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    1. You should definitely check them out! Thank you for all the sweet words (your blog is so pretty omg I love it!)


  3. Great list!! I love Sci-Fi, so I am anticipating quite a few of these books as well!! There are a couple here that I haven’t heard of, gonna go check them out- might have a few books to add to my TBR 😉

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